6th Annual Millennium Athletics Golf Tournament was a HUGE success. Thank you for your support!

Thank you to all the families, staff, and members of the community that played in the 6th Annual Millennium Athletics Golf Tournament! We sold out three weeks early and had to refer teams to the next tournament since we were full!

Our next tournament is October 10th, 2021. Make sure you register early.

Despite the pandemic, this has been the most successful fundraising event! I want to send a special thank you to our banner sponsors:

Thank you to the following businesses and family members for sponsoring a hole at the tournament:

Thank you to our cart sponsors:

Dr. Baldini, the Su Family and

Congratulations to our First Place Team! Congratulations to our Last Place Team!

Here are some more pictures from our event. Thank you all again for making this our best fundraiser yet! Hope to see you again on October 10th, 2021!

Thank you to my team for your help making the day such a success!

(Not pictured: Coach Easterday, Elias Almanza, and Mr. Hepner)